Notice anything? Not as messy as usual, because Richard came and took all his stuff out this morning and has moved on to pastures new. I will be receiving his humongous bill soon, at which point I will no doubt be glad he's finished for the time being as I reach for the gin bottle when I realize how much it has all cost. But until then, we'll all miss the tuneless whistling, the equally tuneless singing and the sudden expletive carried on the breeze.
I am working up until the end of March, on stuff I'm not allowed to post, but hopefully we'll get the chance to do odd things and you might even see J9 painting in the near future. We'll see if we can get a door on the loo too, as it is still a little public, at least for us British, don't you know.
Richard's powers of recovery proved adequate for him to turn up this morning and set about connecting the cold water supply, thus enabling us to flush the new loo! Recovery from what? Wiping out half my wine supplies on Saturday night, that's what. My own powers of recovery were tested to the limit yesterday too....
I had to wait until after dark to take these shots. The source of the illumination is entirely from the low energy lighting installation (no flash photography) and mighty splendid it is too. When all the walls and ceilings are painted white it'll brighten up a lot more. Your first look at our lovely new loo. We may have to have a family raffle to decide who gets to go first. Arne inspecting the MLS with its own lighting. Well done Sparky! Hope the oozing gets better soon.
Sparky was back this morning running all the cables from inside the airing cupboard under the floorboards to the fuse box. That's not him below, its Richard ramming his drill hard into his groin. I think he likes the vibrations.
Unfortunately there was no hidden jewelry under the floorboards.
Sparky has gone off to have some plastic surgery. He'll need more than that to do something about his weight problem though. But Richard was back doing plumbing and putting in drains and pipes all over the place. While he was doing that, I got the trusty old cross-head screwdriver out..... .....and put together the units for the kitchenette so we could make sure all the pipes fit neatly behind them. These units have an impressive ratio of 13.7 expletives per kilo.
Some nice little spot lights fitted to the end of the MLS floor. All the lights are low energy and even with all eleven lights on consumption will be under 100w. I'm going to the pub later with my best mate Eco. Me and him are really friendly.
Richard was in bright and early today, well, not all that early and bless him he's not too bright either, as he spends much of his time amusing me with anecdotes of his own incompetence. But seriously, we are delighted with his work of course, and today the sanitary ware came into the building from out in the shed, as you can see! It is just about the smallest sized room you can fit a sink, shower and loo into. The shower tray is temporarily fitted, and will be properly installed tomorrow with the drainage. With luck some plumbing will be connected too.Bet you can't wait!
Sparky is very shy and doesn't like his picture taken. Between you and me he is extraordinarily ugly, so I wouldn't really want his putrid features defiling my blog anyway. But he's been wiring up like mad today, this being at the other end of the thingy I posted on 11 December. Perhaps someone can send in the correct punchline to the joke now, as surely the clearly visible "Xpelair" logo gives it away. Come to think of it though, if it did that, you'd asphyxiate on the toilet, and what it is really there to do is expel smell, which to my mind is a much catchier name anyway.
Oh golly! I just checked the 11th December blog entry, and someone, (Helen) did post the correct punchline to the joke. It was of course "extractor fan!"
All windows and doors are open, the fan is on 24/7 and things are starting to dry out nicely. See in the corner, Sparky has been busy some more and we hope to have the electrics connected and working by the end of the week.
Here's a shot from the exact same spot before work started.
I think these lights are the only thing that has survived from the old to the new. They used to be on the wall in what was the guest bedroom, but they look a lot nicer in the Love Shack!
That's all the plastering done! Thank you for being patient, my bloggy friends, with this barrage of plastering photos over the last couple of weeks, and enduring the sheer monotony. "Please, not another wall!" I hear you cry.... . .....And here's one we demolished earlier! But fear not, oh indulgent ones, I sense more variety in your visual diet on the horizon!
When we bought this house in 2002, we spent all our budget on space. The house was perfectly habitable, but we knew there was lots of work to do. Insulation, modernization, restoration, and lots of other "ations." We might have thought twice if we'd known just what we were taking on....