Friday 11 December 2009


Since we are going to put down a carpet in Arne's room, it seemed like a good idea to take this unique opportunity to treat the floor timbers for woodworm.

I pulled up every fourth floorboard and sprayed the timbers with woodworm killer wile Arne was at school, partly to spare him the worst of the fumes, and partly because I didn't fancy another lecture on woodworm rights.

I found out just how easy it is to take a step back and find there's no floor under your foot. Lucky all the ceilings are in such a bad state they all need replacing anyway, really.

The mess will take a bit of clearing up though.... Better get on with it now before Janine comes home. Maybe she won't notice the ceiling or take the p*ss out of me for the next three years. Maybe pigs will fly....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Olá! Aceita Parceria? Sucesso. Fabrícia.